Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Protandim: Science (Not) Fiction

Protandim: SCIENCE (Not) FICTION  

 It is all about PREVENTION!!

All Science and No Fiction are Backdrop for Nrf2 Biology
By Natalie Hollingshead

   The science behind revolutionary Protandim, the Nrf2 Synergizer, speaks for itself - but only if you understand what it's saying. Important terms like 'Nrf2 activator' and 'anti-fibrotic' may not be part of your vocabulary - and that's OK because the explanation isn't as complicated as it sounds. You don't need a degree in human biology or employment in the medical science industry to understand (or share) the science behind the supplement.

   Our cells create free radicals when we eat, breathe and sleep, or perform any number of common activities. These free radicals are molecules with an odd number of electrons. As such, they are highly reactive and toxic, and cause cellular deterioration, or oxidative stress.
   The older we get, the more oxidative stress our cells naturally produce. Inflammation in cells also increases, as does fibrosis ( the formation of scar tissue).
   Our body creates antioxidant enzymes to fight against oxidative stress. It also produces anti-inflammatory enzymes to fight inflammation, and anti-fibrotic enzymes to fight fibrosis.
   There are hundreds of genes in each of these enzymes families and together they form what scientists call the 'survival genes'.
   An important enzyme activator called Nrf2 tells our bodies to make these crucial enzymes. However, as we age, our body makes less Nrf2, and subsequently, less of these "survival genes."
"Many of the so-called diseases of age such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's are all characterized by a decline in the so-called survival genes," says Joe M. McCord, Ph.D., a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado. "The fact that the Nrf2 is going down as we grow older is the reason the whole system gets out of whack."

   Fortunately, scientists have discovered a way to activate and elevate the Nrf2 in our cells using Protandim, the trademarked Nrf2 Synergizer.
   Protandim is made from five natural, plant-based ingredients that are weak Nrf2 activators on their own: milk thistle, turmeric,green tea, bacopa and ashwagandha. Together, McCord says, they have a synergy that is 18 times greater than the sum of the individual components.
   Every Protandim pill activates Nrf2, which in turn does its job of regulating the various genes that make the body function at an optimal level.
   "By elevating or activating the Nrf2 in our cells, you can return that entire balance back to the way it is in a young, healthy person," McCord says. "We  know biochemically exactly what Protandim is doing."
   Protandim uses the body's own resources to stave off age-related declines by simply telling the body to do what it already knows how to do - but do more of it. That principle is what really sets Protandim apart in the world of anti-oxidant supplements, McCord says.
   "Many of the conventional anti-oxidants are adding foreign molecules that are intended to react directly with oxidants that your body is making," he says.
   While several of the seven peer-reviewed studies done on Protandim show the supplement's potential to reverse age-related conditions, the main focus is on prevention.
   "It's all about prevention," McCord says. "All of those diseases I named are very difficult to treat. For instance, every cancer has multiple mutations that are in any of thousands of different sites. Every cancer is very unique and that is why it is very hard to cure. Prevention is much easier to bring about than a cure."


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